Staying ahead of an evolving threatscape


The number and sophistication of cyberthreats companies face today is growing rapidly, as are the potential launch sites for attacks. From an extended perimeter made up of new endpoints, to increased use of offerings like Infrastructure as a Service and Software as a Service, IT is forced to assess and address challenges at a constantly accelerating rate. We serve as resource for our clients who are looking for a partner they can trust to provide the most up-to-date information on how to mitigate cyber risk.


Our outlook on security is proactive – not reactive


Just like your business demands and workloads, security is an ever-changing, crucial component of your organization. That’s why we consider security in everything we do – from architecture and deployment to cloud services to data center transformation. So, you can be confident that your organization is ready for today and prepared for tomorrow.


DataOPTS Security Services include:


*Vulnerability assessment

*Server and Desktop security patching

*Server and Desktop security hardening

*Security road-maps

*Security strategy workshops

*Solution design and vendor-agnostic technology selection

*Security tool rationalization

*Audit and compliance (HIPAA, SOX, NIST, ISO 27001)

*Penetration testing

*Incident response support

*Identity and access management support

*Monitored and managed security

*Managed security operations center (SOC)